安迪·塞尔沃:没错。你曾经说过你们拥有经验丰富且忠心耿耿的顶级经理人,对他们来说管理伯克希尔远不止是一份高薪或者有声望的工作。你怎么知道他们是这样想的?WARREN BUFFETT:Well, you don‘t know for sure. But-- butyou’ve got to make judgments on that. You make judgments on a marriage. I mean-- [LAUGHS] and you‘ve got more time to look them over, and-- thenselecting successor CEOs. But that’s the most important decision, though, that you make. It isn‘t what their IQ is. And it-- it isn’t even necessarily thetop, maybe in a given type of managerial skill. I mean, if they‘re-- if they’rethe kind that will leave you tomorrow-- I mean, you really want somebody thatis devoted to Berkshire.
But 2.8 million, what we had so far,it will grow. But I‘ve alwaysfelt a pandemic would happen in some time. I’ve actually used that term indescribing things that can interrupt the progress of not only this country, butthe world. It won‘t stop the progress of the country or the world.this is aterrible event that’s occurring. We don‘t know how terrible. It may not turnout to be that big a deal when we get through, but it may turn out to be a verybig deal, and we just don’t know. And I certainly don‘t know. And nobody knows.