安迪·塞尔沃:回首这些年,你最值得骄傲的事情是什么?WARREN BUFFETT:Oh, I would-- well, I‘m-- I’m certainly--well, I have to give all the credit to my mother. But I‘m certainly proud of howmy children have worked out. I mean, that’s not easy, in a sense, having a namethat becomes famous or, you know, and thought of as having all kinds of money,although they don‘t. But all three of them are now in their 60s. In fact, you’relooking at a guy whose youngest child is 61. I mean that‘s-- [LAUGHS] andthey’ve all-- they‘ve all lived very productive lives. And they-- and they allget along fine with each other, and they-- and I’ve seen a lot of richfamilies. It doesn‘t always work out that way.
沃伦·巴菲特:不会的,也不会是埃隆·马斯克。(哈哈哈)不过有趣的是,如果你看看我们伯克希尔的前十大股东——大约一周前我就拿到了1500亿美元。ANDY SERWER:Mm-hmm.安迪·塞尔沃:嗯。WARREN BUFFETT:I don‘t know who the successor is to theCEO in any one of those 10. And I’ve watched a lot of successors come and go inthose holdings. So to think that we wouldn‘t have somebody able is just crazy,I mean, in our case, that-- that is just the ultimate responsibility of the boardof directors, is to have the right CEO and be prepared for if something happensto that person.
有趣的是,美国目前发生的政府债务的信用货币化和所谓的“债务置换”,这些情况对中国来说反而都似曾相识。(作者系北京大学经济学院副教授)责任编辑:唐婧原标题:艾格拉斯控制权或易主 接盘方四川聚信两大股东实力雄厚来源:每日经济新闻每经记者 靳水平每经编辑 梁枭
WARREN BUFFETT:They got hammered. Yeah.沃伦·巴菲特:是的,它们(银行)遭受了重创。ANDY SERWER:Because of rates and exposure to the energysector. Right?