安迪·塞尔:是的。那你认为这些超级低的利率会去向哪里,负利率的去向是哪里?这暗示了什么?WARREN BUFFETT:I don‘t know.I would say that’s the mostimportant question in the world. And I don‘t know the answer. [LAUGHS]If weknew the answer, it wouldn’t be the most important question.
So I-- I was capable of understand Ing of that. On the other hand,I had seen that Google was taking out Altavista to some degree. And I thought,you know, maybe somebody else can take out Google. And maybe if they‘d startedearlier, somebody else could have taken out Google. So I was always a stepbehind on that.
沃伦·巴菲特:不会。负利率让我感到困惑这将降低股票投资最低预期回报率ANDY SERWER:OK. Let‘s switch over and talk about bondyields and interest rates. Because that’s a crazy subject right now.