安迪·塞尔沃:我的理解是,当它需要出售时,会向你提供(出售方案)。而且,你经常跟唐纳德(特朗普总统)谈论此事。WARREN BUFFETT:Yeah. I talk to Don a lot. Sure.沃伦·巴菲特:是的,当然,我和唐纳德(特朗普总统)谈了很多。
安迪·塞尔沃:后续你可能会(在西方石油公司上)有更多的投资。我知道你会得到优先股息。但这些投资必须是私下进行的。你是怎么想的?WARREN BUFFETT:Well, that the $10 billion is a preferredstock with warrants. And there is nomarket in it.
安迪·塞尔沃:谈到车,我们看下特斯拉和埃隆·马斯克正在做什么吧。这是一场革命。对吧?WARREN BUFFETT:Well, it‘s an important change. But if youguessed on the penetration of electric cars-- let’s say we, sell 17 million orsomething year in 2030, when I‘ll be 100 years old. I’d be surprised if morethan a third of those would be electric.That‘s 2/3 of that cars plus all theones in the total vehicles on the road, it still might be 10% electric orsomething like that, worldwide.
安迪·塞尔:好的,那在利率环境下,投资股票有什么变化吗?这使得股票看起来超级便宜。WARREN BUFFETT:No, it reduces the hurdle rate.沃伦·巴菲特:不,它降低了最低预期回报率。WARREN BUFFETT:That‘s why they like to decrease it, is thatit pushes asset values higher. Because, obviously, if you promise to pay mesomething at 3% a year, that would have been a terrible instrument for me toown,almost any time in history. But today, if you’re good for it, it‘sfabulous. [LAUGHS]
中日两国从上世纪80年代起共同保护朱鹮,中方先后向日方提供5只朱鹮,帮助日方重新建立朱鹮种群。日方通过官方和民间保护项目支持中国朱鹮栖息地保护工作。记者:姜俏梅 彭纯 马曹冉 华义责任编辑:余鹏飞泰国拟免除落地签费用 希望中国游客数量恢复增长